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There are questions of law, safety, and judgment on what to do with those who are standing by waiting for their disabled vehicle to be loaded. There are several options discussed here to help you make the best decision based on the situation.

Industry Standards

Published: 10/01/2011 by Jeffrey Godwin in Business

For a more successful industry

Honesty, openness, quality work, a problem-solving attitude, and customer care and service are key to success in every business, and especially in towing and recovery, an industry still plagued by poor image issues mostly due to bad apples who steal towers’ business and cheat customers. Here’s a reminder that earning a reputation for ethical behavior can make all the difference in a tough business. Part 2 of 3.

Honesty, openness, quality work, a problem-solving attitude, and customer care and service are key to success in every business, and especially in towing and recovery, an industry still plagued by poor image issues mostly due to bad apples who steal towers’ business and cheat customers. Here’s a reminder that earning a reputation for ethical behavior can make all the difference in a tough business. Part 3 of 3.

ADVISOR: Providing The Service That The Client Needs, Not What You Feel They Need!

Published: 07/01/2012 by SUSAN A L MARSTON, MBA - PRESIDENT - ConnecTGo, Inc. in towPartners advisor

Servicing The Client’s Needs. A business professional describes in towPartners’ Advisor how repossessors can successfully meet the competition by having the right tools to deliver what their clients need, which includes skilled field agents who know how to effectively repossess and not just tow a vehicle away. Repo is not about what services you provide but what the client requires.

Swiping Smart

Published: 10/01/2011 by Allan Duffin in Business

It pays to properly process customers' credit cards.