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Spotlight: Staying Alive & Intact. We shine our monthly Spotlight feature on tips and products designed to keep you and your customers safe in the shop and on the scene. Maintenance, training, signage, signals, and lighting are some of the topics covered. Plus several towers give you insights into their own safety procedures.

Veteran towman Bill Jackson reminds towers of several basic elements that experienced towmen might overlook after working in the field for so long. Keep these tips in mind and avoid injury or embarrassment on the job!

Fire & Rescue Special Issue Feature: At The Scene

Published: 10/01/2012 by Casey Burrows in Training & Safety

Casey Burrows, a firefighter and a towman, speaks from deep experience in both fields when he describes the very real advantages for towers who engage in and even initiate cross-training among scene responders.

Expert towers offer tips on how to protect trucks, storage lot, equipment, office, and employees from harm and loss. Some of the latest security equipment and techniques are featured. Owners can keep their people and property a little safer by following some of these helpful suggestions.

Automotive writer Bill Siuru looks at ways to save money on truck tires, starting with high-quality retreads. Contrary to popular belief, good retreads can be as safe as and even better than new ones. He explains how to tell a poor retread from a good one to help you in your tire-buying decision-making.

Tower Training. We feature three articles in this special issue on education and training. We’ve talked to some of the top trainers, including Miller’s Tom Luciano, WreckMasters’ Terry Humelsine, NATA’s David Lambert, and others working to improve the professionalism of the industry.

The impact of the new rules against cell phone use while behind the wheel is discussed in two brief articles, which note that this is not just a safety issue but affects company liability as well. Read the first of the two articles below.

Parts We Like: Everybody likes good, practical gear

Published: 07/01/2011 by Allan Duffin in Business

Footnotes asked several parts suppliers to share a few new or favorite items of towing gear that they thought would be of interest to our readers.

More Talk, Faster Action. The First of two important articles on the need for much more “interoperability,” that is, effective communication early and often between towers and other responders heading for a recovery scene. Here’s how one community in Missouri made their highways safer and are clearing scenes faster by involving towers from the get-go.

Retired Virginia State Trooper Cpt. Tom Martin, a frequent and popular speaker at TRAA legislative gatherings, this year threw down a challenge for towers everywhere in his speech in March. Cpt. Martin was optimistic about towers gaining more and more respect as first responders, but cautioned towers to “lead, follow, or get out of the way” if they wanted that to continue!