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January |
THE AUTO BODY & REPAIR SPEIAL ISSUE - Gathering No Moss: How small repair shops can roll over big dealers Multi-Tasking Towers: Diversifying can add spice & profit to your business The Forensic Mechanic: A towman who's also a repairman does important side work Car College: Ohio Tech's success is driven by demand for mechanics Rare In Repair: Women mechanics are seldom seen but they git 'er done! Click Here |
February |
The Speed Doctor: Revved and ready for fast recoveries at the track Men Of Steel: Brown's supplies parts for collision work and repair The Complete Toolbox: Great gear to have onboard when you roll out of the shop The Outside Source: Helping cut expenses while keeping customers happy Deduct Or Capitalize!: Repair & maintenance costs have new IRS rules Click Here |
March |
The Big Sandy: Towers drive across the country to help in recovery Partners In Recovery: The popular Florida show now features the all-new Repo Expo Top Billing: Get online customers to click on you first and fast The Roadside Diplomat: How to expertly handle the range of reactions you get from customers Heroes Hangout: A place to talk through horrors seen on-scene Click Here |
April |
THE REPOSSESSION SPECIAL ISSUE - The Big Stuff: In commercial repo, the little things don't count Riding With Reiter: Big Mike makes trucks & bucks to help agents On The Cybertrail: Skip-tracers use computers to track deadbeat debtors Night Moves: It's often dirty work but the best agents keep it clean I'm Just Asking...: A serious question for recovery owner/agents Click Here |
May |
From Head To Hands: How tow truck equipment gets off the drawing board & into gear you can use Ads On Wheels: A good image in the field brings results to the shop Slippery Situation: Unseen ice leads to an unexpected roadway result California Coalition: A new organization seeks to unify motor club towers REPOSSESSION - Paper Weight: The reporting requirements for recovery agents keeps growing Click Here |
June |
Over The Edge: Dangling cab, mangled trailer, no problem Computerized Cabs: Making tow trucks into mobile communications centers Car-Crazy Kansan: Randy Rundle tells tales of towing and repoing Double-Edged Sword: Both consumers and towers benefit from the Pelkey decision REPOSSESSION - Great Escapes: Recovery agents need speed, stealth and patience Click Here |
July |
Cab Over, Driver Down: Years of cross-training let this team to a successful extraction Hard Lessons Learned: A WreckMaster-trained fire and rescue responder describes the improvements the teams made after two grisly incidents Cloud Clearing: Piercing the fog about web-based towing software What Just Happened?: How towers can help preserve accident evidence REPOSSESSION - The Three Skips: Find the missing debtors' type, then go get 'em! Click Here |
August |
Grab & Go!: Fast, Light loaders Let Towers & Repomen Lock, Lift, Load & Leave! Trailer Cash: Badger bets on a win with a place at the shows Shift Change: A towman's sharp eye and initiative saves the day Hooked On Speed: Julie Strom grew up with racing cars and wreckers REPOSSESSION - Repossession Lessons: What it takes to be a collateral recovery agent Click Here |
September |
Rotator To The rescue: Well-trained responders know towers can help them save lives What's On The Lot?: If you don't know you're losing money Towing With A Twist: The unusual stuff makes towing & repo interesting Down With Downtime: Keep the fleet up & running with smart PM scheduling REPOSSESSION - Recovery Or Decline?: Is the repo industry getting a lift or coming unhooked? Click Here |
October |
Do It Once Do It Right: Clear the scene fast and final with a WreckMaster checklist Keep On Truckin': Nuggets of long-haul history from the open road Good News Bad News: Strong steel can protect during a wreck but hinder rescue New, Tough & Up Front: The 2014 GMC Sierra 3500HD & Chevy Silverado chassis cabs REPOSSESSION - The One That Got Away: Sometimes it's better to give up a repo and leave the scene Click Here |
November |
Off The Hook: Did O.J. Simpson go free because of bungled towing evidence? Working Together: Life on the job with families in towing The Great Divide: A highly trained incident responder tells how towers can help close gaps to effective recovery and rescue Now Hear This!: Sound Protection can pay off for scene responders REPOSSESSION - Three Types of Tracer: If you skip out on your debts, these folks are after you Click Here
January |
Recovering Joplin: How towers did their part in relief efforts after the tornado Community Service - Hauling Fun To Joplin: Fifteen towers from nine companies volunteered to help Tips From The Top: Successful towers discuss best business practices Critical Calls: Proper telephone use will improve your business towPartners Advisor: 5 FREE MILES - In the last few years our company has completely eliminated all motor clubs Click Here |
February |
Where Are Our Future Towers?: Hard work & long hours turn off today's young people Where's Your Target?: Hit it dead center with smart marketing Shooting Beauties: Earl Johnson brings glamour to tow truck photography Pilot Project: Debuting a versatile multi-purpose road service unit towPartners Advisor: The Revolving Door - Do you find yourself always looking for an employee? Click Here |
March |
Buying New Or Used?: Current thinking on an age-old industry question The Black Book: Quick Response - These bar codes can save you time and add value Staying Alive & Intact: Ideas & products to help protect you & your customers Rough & Ready: Why diesel may be your best choice for tough trucking towPartners Advisor: Towing Management Software - To the untrained eye, anything from rasin bran to towing can be considered a commodity Click Here |
April |
Tow Ho! Ho!: It's Footnotes' 2nd Annual April Fools Humor Issue Who Ya Gonna Call?: A bit of background on some of the top-tier motor clubs It's All About The Bottom Line: A towman shares his experiences with motor clubs, pro and con A Moving (Over) Story: How my efforts to pass a life-saving law paid off towPartners Advisor: FMCSA Ban on Hand Held Cellular Phones - Understanding the rules for commercial drivers Click Here |
May |
On With The Show!: Going to one is fun and informative but planning and running one is difficult, time-consuming work Footnotes Exclusive - When Trucks Fly!: The Terrible Texas Tornado (special 3-page spread) Cool Stuff, Famous Names: Associations make things happen, often against the odds Future Tech - Part 1: Field Productivity: Five forcasts to help towers shape future strategies towPartners Advisor: The Towing Industry And Reality Television - Reality: (re-al-i-ty) the state or quality of being real Click Here |
June |
Locked & Chocked!: Putting more power and muscle into protecting your property and employees Cowboy Dan: Helping drivers have a better shot at highway safety Future Tech - Part 2: Redefining Operations: Five forecasts to help towers shape future strategies Incident Response - More Talk, Faster Action: Why towers should be in radio contact with all responders towPartners Advisor: Managing and Motivating Young Employees -How do you get optimal performance from someone in the "Younger Generation" Click Here |
July |
The Hauling History Issue! - Hooked on Classics: Our veteran hauling history colmnist brings you a garage-full of vintage tow trucks! The Real Repo: It's tough work but not like you see on reality TV Tower In The Dell: Platt's Garage has served this resort area since 1919 Future Tech - Part 3: Integrating Technology: Five forecasts to help towers shape future strategies towPartners Advisor: Put Your Employees In Uniforms - According to JD Power & Assoc. 60% prefer to buy from employees wearing uniforms Click Here |
August |
Russ On A Roll: How Russ Jones built a successful business from scratch, towing and inventing as well as doing all things automotive $avings $$$: You earned it. Here's how to keep more of it. The Little Giant: Audi commercials make an old red tow truck famous Future Tech - Part 4: Beyond Digital Dispatch: Five forecasts to help towers shape future strategies towPartners Advisor: Non-Solicitation, Non-Disclosure, Non-Compete - Non-Pirating employee agreements to protect you and your business. Click Here |
September |
Green Towing: How good environmental practices in the shop can pay off Covered? Maybe Not.: Towing company insurance has evolved. Has yours? A Badger's Delight: Wisconsin's show provided antique truck treats Future Tech - Part 5: The Virtual Office: More ideas that could change how you run your shop towPartners Advisor: Getting Started in Private Property Impound - it is a specialized field, and there are many things to keep in mind Click Here |
October |
The Fire & Rescue Special Issue - Wildfire!!: Towers assist firefighters as Colorado burns Can They Trust You?: Tired of waiting in your truck when you could be helping? Rolling Tough!: New fire technology has staying power The Five Cs: Challenges for towers who work fire & rescue scenes towPartners Advisor: Repo vs. Towing - According to insurance Click Here |
November |
The Annual Holiday Gift Guide For Towers: From towing t-shirts to tow truck toys, here are some gifts that are sure to please! The 2012 Tribute To Our Fallen Heroes: Tom Tedford, Senior Vice President of United Road Towing gave this moving and informative tribute The Last Text: Mandy Frizzley became the first woman on The Wall Kiddie Wreckers: Antique metal toy tow trucks make valuable gifts towPartners Advisor: Impound Research - In this article, we will tackle the issue indepth. Let's start at the beginning - research. Click Here |
December |
Tow Trucks Abroad: Building & selling them overseas is not like here Stacked In Your Favor: Keep your towing business moving with a better bank Monster Move: Emmert rolls again with four incredible hulks! Try Something New: There's more than one way towers can make a buck Helping Hatcher: A Mater replica will be auctioned to help sick kids Click Here |
January |
The Equipment Issue - Get It In Gear!: Do manufacturers listen to your ideas when they design new equipment like this? The Tech Men: Towers talk about some favorite new gear Six Seen At SEMA: New tools for towers spotted at the huge trade show Regulations: How about a little help here? Talking To Truckers: Marketing towing to guys with semis Click Here |
February |
Bucks For Trucks: How to get the cash you need to stay on the road The Middle Man: Jump in to get your company name out and about The Shocking Truth!: How to avoid getting a charge from electric-powered vehicles Repo Madness: The colorful Lizard Lickers get a second reality show NEW! - towPartners Advisor: The towing economy is 10-8 for growth Click Here |
March |
The Training Issue - Ready For The Road: Teaching towers to take the path to professionalism First Hire Wisely: Then get your money's worth from training Take It From The Top: Two experts discuss the qualities of great trainers The Wrecking Crew: A tower reverses routine & rolls upright cars over towPartners Advisor: Marketing Click Here |
April |
The April Fool Issue: A funny thing happened at work today Success From Scratch: After a tragedy, this family moves onward and upward What's Up Front: The right chassis is critical to operating the body in back A Really Good Show!: Making the most of your trip to industry events towPartners Advisor: Cost of Business - In the towing industry, busy does not always mean profitable! Click Here |
May |
He Knows Where You Are: Using top-notch technology to track your tow trucks Puzzle Master: This engineer seeks and finds equipment flaws Steering Clear: How to avoid courtroom collision courses Smart Start-Up: Bright ideas on funding a new towing business towPartners Advisor: Firends of Towing Click Here |
June |
The Greater Good: Towers everywhere should seek to achieve this I'm Tired Of You Too!: Tough times for towers don't justify bad behavior What's Your Sign?: It's about more than just fancy truck graphics and logos Try This Our Way: Terific towing tips from our Canadian colleagues towPartners Advisor: Can towing companies perform asset recovery work? Click Here |
July |
Equal Partners?: Are towers gaining respect as first responders? Parts We Like: Suppliers select some favorite old and new towing gear ICEs vs. EVs: Will electric power ever replace other fuels? My Crazy Career: A retired towman tells his best stories from the road towPartners Advisor: Motor Clubs Click Here |
August |
A Life On The Road: Recalling 30 years at the wheel of a tow truck Go Getters!: How Collection agencies can help you find the money Bad Guys At Work: Using tow trucks to steal cars is growing worse Follow The Money: How to find hidden cash in your tow company towPartners Advisor: Teamwork Click Here |
September |
Computer Gurus: They offer managers top-notch tools in towing technology Heavies & A Hot Rod: A 1940 Ford shines amidst the big boys Online Leads: They can be profitable or push you over a cost cliff Retreads & Repairs: Both can save you cash and help the environment towPartners Advisor: Motor Clubs - Can help you grow your business instead of seeming like annoying fill in work Click Here |
October |
Night Moves: Thieves are stealing tow trucks to steal cars Swiping Smart: It pays to properly process customer credit cards Huge Hauls - Mountain Monsters: Giant trailers moved massive loads many miles A Bridge Too Far: Eight tractor-trailers were blown over by high winds towPartners Advisor: Industry Standards - For a more successful industry Click Here |
November |
Hard Choices: Tow company owners discuss their best & worst decisions Gifted Towers: Holiday ideas for showing your appreciation for your staff Rescue & Rigging: A veteran towman shares some recovery techniques Going All Out: This towing family is hooked on old-time drag racing towPartners Advisor: Is Membership Important? - Does it really matter if I am a member of a towing association? Click Here |
December |
Smooth Operators: KC Scout is creating a new national standard for communication between on-sceen responders Towing On TV: How industry pros view reality-show repo and recovery A Whole New Haul Game: Thinking of going into repo work? Here's some things too think about before you roll Weather Watch - Cold Calls: Towing safely in winter road conditions towPartners Advisor: The Art of Dispatch - Dispatching is tough. It is no job for a wimp. Click Here |
January |
Special Tow Business Edition - Glimmers Of Hope: The times are dark for towers but are some seeing the light? Plug Your Profit Drain: Eight ways to securely seal a leaky bottom line A Helping Hand: Use this new program to get bucks from your bank How To Help The Hurt: Click Here |
February |
Horror By The Highway: Dealing with stress after roadside carnage Too Heavy? Too Long?: What's in and what's out of a proposed weight exemption law What's SCR, DEF, NOx, and EGR?: It's what towers need to know about 201 diesel engines Mom At The Wheel: A mother-son towing team build a business together Click Here |
March |
Parts People Part I: Going behind the counter with the folks who keep your trucks rollin'! Parts People Part II: Modern innovations improve quality, safety, and service Bigfoot Is Coming!: More on the rising threat of industry re-regulation Captain Kidder: This body man spreads fun with creative car creations Click Here |
April |
Somebody Has To Do It: The private property tow is an unpopular necessity A Hard Fight Won: Legislative lobbying success in New Jersey Tracking Trucks: AVL systems help towers keep eyes on the road Mired In Muck: Recovering a sunken tug Growing In Towing: A dramatic career is showing no signs of slowing Click Here |
May |
20th Anniversary! - Publishing Pioneer: Following in the footsteps of Footnotes' founding father Memories Of The Master: The Dean of Towmen and Grandfather of Towing Education shares some of his recollections from the early days of Footnotes Hauling's Historian: John Gunnell has kept old tow trucks rolling in memory Click Here |
June |
The Road To Revival: Some guideposts for the path back to prosperity Lighter Loads: The new RVs are easier than ever to tow The Lizard Lickers: Give 'em a dirty job and these tough Tarheel towers will do it To Bid Or Not To Bid?: Pros, cons & politics of getting on rotation lists Towman On Foot: For a cause Click Here |
July |
A Family of Pioneers: An exclusive interview with Jerry Holmes, grandson of the founder Depth Charge!: These guys go into action on water as well as land Will This Help Or Hurt?: How health care may affect the health of your business World-Class Recovery: Could hauling this 1400-ton sub be a record? Click Here |
August |
Lighten Up!: Bright ideas for towers who want to see and be seen Driven To Distraction: Your safety lights may create unsafe situations California Teaming: Busting bandits through statewide cooperation Your Very Own Avatar: You are a virtual star in this new training system Tow Tech: Two articles about brakes Click Here |
September |
Fightin' Words!: How to slug your way back to the top A Bridge Too Far: Stories of recoveries both foul & failed Automotive Firsts: Historical tidbits about your favorite towed vehicle Business Bulls-Eye!: If you're planning to sell, stay on target with these tip Critical Coverage: What insurance do you need? Click Here |
October |
Stop The Cobra: Don't let your wire rope become a deadly striking snake Pothole People: They can take you down the failure freeway fast In The Line Of Fire: Protecting drivers who find themselves in harm's way Tire Tech: Articles about tire safety When Towing Is A Pain: Here's what to do if you go home hurting Click Here |
November |
The Stranded Customer: Should you put her in your cab or her car? In The Driver's Seat: Sitting too long can create prostate problems Unexpected Treasures: Some very strange things found in salvage vehicles On With The Show: Clarifying your tax breaks for going to industry events Spotlight: On Holiday Gifts & Toys Click Here |
December |
Charity Begins At Work: Ideas for towers on how to help in their communities Nights & Daze: A wake-up call that may improve your life and work Higher & Higher Tech: Build business by adopting amazing advancements A Ticking Time Bomb: The effects of hazmat exposure can arise much later Click Here |
January |
Weathering The Storm: How to stay afloat in a sea of economic uncertainty Web Wisdom: Having a first-rate towing Net site is just good business Bad Hangover: Tricky recovery on a treacherous hillside Watch Your Back: Private property tows can be lucrative but dangerous Tow With Coe: Tips from a respected pro |
February |
Staying Alive: Even Experts Make Mistakes: Part 1: Think your experience will keep you safe? Think again. City Towing Miami Vice Part I: Rogues are running rampant, ruining reputations Part II: The city doesn't show much respect for honest towers Hauling & Installing: The man who moves the art that moves mankind |
March |
Wheeler Stealer: What can be done to prevent theft by employees? Staying Alive: Even Experts Make Mistakes: Part 2: Still think experience keeps you safe? Keep thinking The Point Is Change: But will it be bad or good for your towing business? Diversity Works: Variety helps keep his trucks rolling through hard times |
April |
Staying Alive: Even Experts Make Mistakes: Part 3: Towers give examples of some of their worst errors Rolling In The Dough: Tips on building solid value into your business Good Men Down: This towing family carries on after their tragic loss Hidden Profits: How your impound yard can yield unexpected benefits |
May |
High-End Hauling: Certain customers want their classy cars cuddled Moving Stars' Cars: Hauling exotic autos for the rich & famous Views You Can Use: How some tow companies go up in a down market "Your Fee Is Too High!": Them's fighting words to a busy recovery man Ron's Remarkable Riverbank Recovery |
June |
A Stack Of Trouble A Pile Of Pain??: Dealing with your creditors during hard times Mountain Men At Work: Icy roads, scary cliffs, and tight turns mean business Removing Drivelines, Part I: One towman's views on a basic but crucial procedure Part II: When can you leave it in with the engine running? |
July |
Training & Certification Giving Unity A Fair Shake: But will trainers go along with TRAA's efforts? Building A Wall: Separating your business & personal expenses Cutting To The Core: Are your professional actions truly bearing fruit? Responsible Responders: How things work on a well-organized TIM team |
August |
On The Beach: Sea & Land towmen work together to recover a beached yacht Queens Of The Road: Girl power gets the towing done in the desert Cool Fuel: A brief bio about the biodiesel blends Lessons In Lobbying: Texas towers stormed the Statehouse Jumbo Jeep: A military monster converted for recovery work |
September |
Cushion Your Business: Load-shift recovery: A new avenue for revenue? Sprint with Clint: NASCAR's Bowyer got off to a fast start in towing Those Back Lot Blues: On irate customers, crappy clunkers, and lost costs Don't Be Shocked!: Are you prepared to safely tow hybrid vehicles? Towing Abroad: On The Arab Street |
October |
Dangerous, Deadly, Bizarre: Towers should be aware of the worst that can happen Filling The Gap: AutoReturn technology improves municipal towing What's The Word?!: An outspoken towman speaks out on towing today A Whale Of A Job!: But it was no fun hoisting a huge, smelly carcass |
November |
Dangerous, Deadly, Bizarre Part II: Towers should be aware of the worst that can happen Winter Warning!: Are you prepared for towing in the cold? Depriving Uncle: Year-end tax-saving tips Disaster In Darkness: A multi-vehicle night accident challenges responders What's In Your Truck?: Things to keep in your cab Click Here |
December |
Special Issue: The Scourge Of Predatory Towing - The Re-Regulation Threat: The winds of law are blowing against towing A Lot Of Pull: Arriving to laughter, leaving to applause Over The Edge: A steep canyon recovery challenges the experts Tanks Or No Tanks: The mostly cons & some pros of on-site fueling Click Here |
January |
Money-Making Monster Machines: High-dollar heavies will pay off with proper planning Wrecks And The City: NY towers deal with many regs, low rates & jammed streets Trucks = Bucks: Your vehicles reveal whether you've got a profit or a loss Standing Up For Towers: TRAA is developing industry positions on major issues |
February |
Fracture In Florida: Are separate shows symptoms of a deepening industry rift? Cars Under Cover: These towers get vehicles off the road but also out of sight Nitty Gritty In The City: New York City's association has tough issues on its plate Friendly Hire: Working with your competitors can make you a winner |
March |
Towing Troopers: Think your work is tough? Try a recovery under Fire! Master Of Design: He will soon share several secretly developed innovations Danger, Darkness & Daring: Singing the praises of unsung champions of the road Towing & Only Towing: This towman has resisted expanding into other businesses |
April |
Truckers On Towers: Big rig drivers & trucking insurers sound off about us Top Picks: Servicing lockouts presents both challenges & opportunities Two Into One: The urge to merge is paying off for former competitors High & Low Tows: What should the fee be for towing luxury autos? Mastering Resistance: Man vs. machine |
May |
Remote Recovery: Tips from experts who retrieve aircraft in rough terrain Get Wrecked!!: SPEEDtv's new series features well-known towing family Rugged Recovery: Retrieving a heavy casualty from a big mountain Rollback Rescue: How you can help save lives with your carrier Crash Course: Learn to recover aircraft |
June |
When Less Is More: Light-duty tow trucks are the real industry workhorses An Unexpected Ally: OSHA wants to work with, not against, the towing industry One Rollover, Two Recoveries: How light-duty & heavy-duty would handle it Right On Regulation: Nevada gets good marks from its towing industry |
July |
Fun With Mark & Dave: Happily building tow trucks - and they've got a secret Cool-Hand Cooley: How a former teacher earned a place in our Hall of Fame Making Copies: Asian business methods were not popular at this truck show Roadside Remedy: One way to get quick access to your small gear |
August |
Problems At The Pump - Diesel Damage Control: Everyone's pulling out all the stops to save fuel costs Brewing Up Business: Terrel's cooks its own biodiesel to beat fuel prices Danger Propane - Touchy Tanks: How to keep the pain out of propane recoveries Heavy-Duty Hazard: Dangerous recovery of a rolled propane tanker |
September |
The Tie-Down Debate: Will the eight-point tie-down replace traditional straps? Breaking In - Tow Dreamin': Can your ambitions withstand the harsh light of reality? Starting From Scratch: How one young towman went from zero to success Starting Young: This towman was an old hand by the sixth grade |
October |
The Human Element: Fuel prices impact more than your company's bottom line Capturing History: The photography of Charles Rash The Chicago Chasers: City-wide predatory towing has gotten out of hand Electrical Specs: How to properly maintain your truck's power system President Johnson: Serving our towing museum |
November |
Heavy Rescue 56: The LA fire department has a special recovery truck Women Of Towing - Teaming Up To Tow: Two friends have partnered to build a business together Molly Jumper Roadrunner: This renaissance woman keeps motorists moving Company & Community: Semi-retired, Marilyn Hewitt still makes time for both |
December |
Towing Safaris: This African company covers nearly a million square miles Associations I: What's The Best Choice?: There's more than one style of association leadership II: Lone Star Leader: The STO chose executive director-style governance The Mayor Is A Towman: Frank Scotto runs many businesses and a city |
January |
Moving Heavy Metal: Aspects of tractor-trailer recovery, both then and now Miller's Multi-Million Makeover: The world's largest builder of tow trucks modernizes its operation No Money In It?: He makes his elsewhere but still can't give up towing A Towing Affair: Ginger Smith fell in love with tow trucks early on |
February |
No School Like Old School: Some inventive tricks of the trade by industry veterans Working Parts: The ins and outs of salvage as a second business for towers The Art of Towing, Part I: Three sisters and Mom run colorful trucks inspired by Dad Re-Inventing Yourself: Is it time to take another look at how you do business? |
March |
The Invisible Towman: Our selfless services are seldom appreciated and usually unseen. What can be done to reveal to the public all the good that we do? Rollover Science: Big rigs aren't the only trucks that overturn - so can yours! The Art of Towing, Part II: His passion is painting and customizing cars and trucks |
April |
To Pull Or Not To Pull: That is the question about axles and drivelines Q & A Tom Luciano & Joe Sroga: On their efforts to improve vehicle design for towing Don't Knock The Knack: Sometimes common sense beats a classroom education Muscle Truck: Miller and Twin Cities restore the world's fastest wrecker |
May |
Home, Home On The Road: Luxury RVs are big, boxy and really bothersome to tow A Change Of Place: Exporting more used tow trucks could alter our industry Coming Out Ahead: Critical tips for the successful sale of a towing business How Florida Helped Texas: A little chat at an association meeting had big results |
June |
The Salvagers - Copart Wants You!: Looking for a way to get more towing business? Read this. Scrap & Pull: This family believes towing & salvage go hand in hand MY GPS, Your GPS: Don't just listen to vendors - talk to other towers Towing Goes To College: Unifersity grad students are learning about our industry |
July |
Witness To Gridlock: The author saw first-hand the need for quick clearance programs Towing + Repair?: Is it an advantage to do both the hauling and the fixing? Beyond The Curve: From a rough start, this towman built a smooth operation Towmen On Top: How to earn the respect and admiration of all responders |
August |
Second-Class First Responders: Towers take the same risks but don't get the same respect Fit To Be Towed: Towmen who ignore their health are courting disability Naked Came The Towman: Think you've had bad nights on the road? "Used" Is Not A Bad Word: An old truck may offer more dash than a new one with flash |
September |
Motorway Mess Management: Careless highway clean-up and disposal can be costly Towing's Legal Eagles: Two attorneys who've kept a sharp eye on industry issues Danger! Hidden Hazard: An invisible threat lurks inside that wrecked vehicle Insurance Shopping Tips: Don't pay too much or buy too little |
October |
Towman Down!: One type of recovery no operator wants to face We Need More Mikes!: They do the things that improve your life as a tower Bagging Bucks: Rules for collecting revenue due to you A Profitable Partner: Starting small, he helps the industry save millions Dang, That Hurt!: Handling minor injuries when on a call |
November |
Cool Tools - Out Of The Toolbox: Towers pick their favorites for towing & repair jobs Towing Over There: Recovery is often done differently abroad - sometimes better Made In China: Galaxy builds trucks in the Far East and sells 'em here No Load Too Big: It's the method of operation that makes the difference |
December |
Towing The Big Apple Part I: Rules, regs, wrecks and racket but it's thrilling A Dynamic Story: New owners breathe life into a famous old company Road King Of The Yukon: Tourists, truckers, snow & narrow roads keep this Canadian towman busy Multi-Tasking Team: Cross-trained employees add versatility & profitibility |
January |
Talking With Tom: The great towing trainer chats about the industry Risky Business: Making management decisions that protect against failure Summers' Place: This company takes special pride in its community Hell On Wheels: A wrecked trailer with no hazmat placard may still be DANGEROUS |
February |
Spec-A-Wrecker: Things to think about...BEFORE buying that new beauty Towing In Paradise: The same industry problems with better weather & scenery Hazmat Part III - Looks Can Deceive: The ordinary stuff in a truck can get you in trouble A Valuable Partner: This organization has saved tow companies MILLIONS |
March |
The Quiet Revolution: How the Hawkins family forever changed the towing industry All's Well With Weller: Jerr-Dan's chief worked his way up from the shop room floor Towing Safety - Halting Highway Havoc: Angela Roper knows how to keep towers from getting killed Industry Angels: The WTRAA turns 25 |
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April |
Plane Talk: Well-Grounded advice on aircraft recovery Scalehouse Blues: Weight issues also affect your safety Future Of Fuel - The 2007 Diesel Rules: Be aware and beware of the changes to the fuel rules Hazmat Part IV - The High Price Of Hazmat: A disastrous recovery effort can bankrupt a towing company |
May |
The Truck Driven 'Round The World: The amazing travels of a rollback with a very special cargo The Fear Factor: Worrying about the job's dangers will not make you safer Sex, Lies & Lawsuits: Harassment claims can arise to your surprise Your Money Or Your Life: Both are at stake, take care of your truck |
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June |
A Dangerous Man: He's the tower with years of experience and no close calls Backlot Treasures: Is there automotive gold rusting in your storage yard? Planes, Trains, Barges & Cows: Mike Willimon's large towing and repair operation does it all! Big Orange: It's a consolidated effort when this crew hits the road |
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July |
Move Over, Buddy - And Move It Too!: The new safety measures are slowly gaining public acceptance A Trooper Talks Towing: A police captain offers frank opinions about our industry A Tow Star Is Born: Building a real version of a cartoon wrecker for Cars Credible Credit: What it takes to borrow bucks |
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August |
Hauling The Heavyweights: Towing buses has its own dangers and difficulties It Doesn't Add Up: Hidden costs can bring you up short over the long haul They've Got Your Number!: Safe driving programs can work for towing companies Happy To See A Towman: Making good people feel better when bad things happen |
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September |
Lessons From Abroad: Do foreign nations have superior incident management programs? Can't We All Just Get Along?!: Here's what police think about us and our industry Rebuilding Ol' Reliable: Cosmetic surgery can bring new life to your old favorite Towing Thieves: How to prevent and detect employee fraud |
October |
Can't We All Just Get Along? Part II: Firefighters & EMTs discuss relationship with towers Highway Hustlers: Scabs leave open wounds on the industry's reputation Biggest Towing Job Ever!: Smiths spearhead vehicle cleanup in New Orleans Be A Smart Creditor: How to minimize risk when you finance customer debt |
November |
Can't We All Just Get Along? Part III: Towers talk about working with fire, police and rescue The Sales Job: What the sellers say about selling you a new truck Profit Motives: One towman's ideas on how to prosper in the business Still Can't Get The Car?: Follow the 10 commandments of demanding and you will |
December |
Dodging Damage & Danger: Seeking auto designs that will make towing easier and safer The Interview: Wes Wilburn: A conversation with one of the leading trainers Dual & Dueling: The pros and cons of having two associations in one state Driving Drunks: Towers who keep holiday boozers from becoming losers |
January |
Tales Towers Tell: Lighter side of a heavy-duty industry Association Options: Could alliances with automotive or trucking groups help the towing industry? Price Per Pound Part I: How & why this billing system works for big rig recoveries The Greatest Gear: Towing pioneer looks back at 50 years of industry inventions |
February |
Preserving Evidence: Every vehicle you tow or recover has a story The Rotation Riddle: Alternatives are on the way that may end this some day Price Per Pound Part II: When called for a rollover, you can price the job on the spot To Comply Or Not To Comply?: That is the question you, as a tow company owner, must answer |
March |
Rotators Yea Or Nay?: Should owning one be a requirement for incident management? No Calls Waiting: Dispatchers are the ones who keep you on your tows... Get The Picture?: Protect yourself by taking the right photos at the scene Old Enemy, New Friend: Competitors who work together cut costs and improve business |
April |
A Good Man Is Hard To Find: How do you hire and retain the best young tow operators? The Towman's Friend: A surprising source may get you paid for big recoveries The Industry Inside Out: Debating regulation, associations, PPI towing, revenue, and more Anger Takes The Wheel: Road rage incidents are on the rise |
May |
Lower Insurance Costs?: Impossible? Not necessarily. Here are some ideas that might help. Da Man Or Da Moose?: This towman goes into the wild where others fear to tread A Dirty Little Secret: Towers often lose when the caller asks them to lower their bills Moneyology!: The key to making more money is adding skills |
June |
Overlooked Dangers, Part I: Even experienced towers can get careless if they're not careful Crash Course: How not to wreck your reputation at the accident scene A Credit To The Industry: They don't make 'em like Ernie Lindbo anymore What's In It For Me?: Cooperative training will help you as well as accident victims |
July |
Careful, That's My Ride!: Tough motorcyclists expect gentle treatment Heavy-Duty Headaches?: Can a big new wrecker wreck your business? Public Image No. 1: A pretty picture doesn't come to mind when people think "towing" Overlooked Dangers, Part II: This one can hit you hardest when you're least expecting it |
August |
Women Talk Towing: Some run the trucks, some run the business, some both Just Towing - Or More?: Differing views on towers going into different businesses WreckMaster On The Move: The tow trainers are advancing in three major areas The Bottom Line On Design: The need to build in more vehicle towability |
September |
The GOOD, The BAD & The UGLY: Customers make good stories... A Little Action On The Side: The SP8000 is an innovative blend of carrier & wrecker Post-Traumatic Stress - Horror By The Highway: Rescuers cope with memories of trauma Delayed Reaction: How the author coped with an unexpected stress disorder |
October |
Quick Clearance, Part I: A concept that may be on its way to a highway near you A Good Man Is Hard To Keep: Owners offer tips to hang onto top operators The Gurus Of Gear: A family business treats its employees & customers like family Something Loose Back There?: There's trouble if your truck isn't loaded safely |
November |
The Towers' Top Target: Will the industry ever resolve its differences with motor clubs? The Industry's Advocate: Ready to battle threats to America's towers Quick Clearance, Part II: Why has the program not received more support from towers? Going The Extra Mile: A veteran towman shares his views on success |
December |
Surviving Katrina: A remarkably fast recovery by a devastated tow company The Build-It-Yourself Tow Truck: It's a true labor of love - equipment, space, money and time What's That Stuff In There?: Part I of a three-part overview on HazMat Quick Clearance, Part III: The TIM programs in each region are different in many ways |
January |
A Full Plate: Lawyers predict the major issues for 2004 These Towers Are Finks!: And darn good at what they do, including collecting old car stuff Towing At The Top: Wild and wooly tales of cold, muddy recoveries in the far north Recoveries On Ice: One of the most dangerous jobs, but it must be done to save a life |
February |
Up With Towers!: Cross-training allows police, fire and EMS to see what you can do Fireman, Towman, Trainer: One man who fills three important roles in his community Smooth Operators: Here's what several experts think it takes to make a good one Hiring The Best: Finding a good driver can cost you but it will be worth it |
March |
Holding Your Own: Experts suggest ways to keep that good operator you hired Towing & Teaching: A towman with business savvy discusses the future of the industry The Fire Side: Aspects of recovery from the fireman's point of view Success By Association: The PWOF is a prime example of an activist towing organization |
April |
Towers With Altitude: The mountain men get the steep and deep jobs done Bankers Don't Bite: Insider tips on successfully landing a business loan Seeking A Solid Foundation: An issue towers can agree on - help for grieving families An Onus On The Bonus?: Does Florida's clearance plan have hidden dangers for towmen? |
May |
Heading For A Wreck?: The industry may need a recovery if we don't get our act together Heavy Metal Blues: The industry is steeling itself for suppliers' price increases Too Many Tow Shows?: Multiple choices are frustrating many vendors & towers How Did It Happen?: Accident reconstruction can add income |
June |
Dangerous Cargo?: A crucial overview of what to do when you're leery of the load A Long Look Ahead: Experts offer their vision of the future of towing Making towing Safer: Will these new products help save lives and reduce injuries? The SuperDrive: A new fuel-saving device could be a boon for the industry |
July |
The Best & Worst Of Towing: A sampling of what towers like and dislike about the industry Working On The Edge: How things have changed in 47 years of living dangerously Friendly Fire: Two veteran towmen debate the pros & cons of a major issue Rating The Rates: Bill jobs carefully to avoid cheating yourself |
August |
Home, Home On The Web: Towers from all over gather to chat at The Big Ten: Things to consider before going into heavy-duty recovery Invoicing The Job: Do it right so you can get paid with-out an argument...or worse A national Question: Should standards be set for training as well as certification? |
September |
Towing With The Troops: Military operators are well-trained but face big risks The Light Side Of Towing: In a heavy-duty world, valuable LD training is often ignored The View From Above: You can't escape your problems by going to Canada Tennessee Two-fer: Double your fun at Chattanooga's tow show and museum |
October |
Mistakes Towers Make: What you think you know & do wrong once can kill you 3 For The Show: A sampling of the Chicago, Wisconsin & Indiana towing events Bring 'Em Out Alive: How towers use their equipment to save accident victims Meeting Of The Minds: Feds, police, and towers discuss industry hot buttons |
November |
Hurricane Heroes: Towers answer the call to help storm-devastated communities Show You're A Pro: Demonstrating both style & substance at the scene High-End Headaches: Cars with luxury-model features can cause trouble Stuck With The Junk: Fed up with losing money on abandons, towers are taking action |
December |
Santa Claus Is Coming To Tow: When Al Gregg is around, every day seems like Christmas Tricks Of The Trade: Towers create their own innovative tools and techniques Towing In The Pink: It may be a woman's color but it works in a man's world Towing With TIM: Many think it's the future & that it's time to get on board |